AN AGAPE FEAST will be at College Heights Christian School gym, on Friday, August 11, at 6:00 p.m.  This will be a Potluck Agape Feast.  Please bring finger food for supper:  stuffed grape leaves, dates, figs, veggie sticks, boiled eggs, hummus, fruit pieces, crackers, cold patties, flat breads, etc.  All bread is to be without yeast.  Please read the ingredients to make sure there is no yeast. Please do not bring anything that needs heating. We will not be heating anything.  Arrive from 5:30 p.m., ready for a 6:00 p.m. start.  You can put the food on the tables as you arrive and have a seat.  We will have a devotional thought, foot washing, emblems of unleavened bread and grape juice, then supper.  Please register so we know how many basins and towels to bring and how many tables to set up.  Please register by Wednesday, August 9, by email to: or call 403-782-6131.  Let us know how many will be in your group.