What’s Your System?

According to research done from 2006 to 2012 by Dr. Robert K. McIver, a seminary professor at Avondale College in Australia, as reported in The Compass Magazine in the article “The Tithe Conundrum: What Percent of Adventists Actually Tithe?”, survey results showed the most common reason for not tithing was “I forgot”.

It is important to have your own system to meet your commitment to return tithe and give offerings on a regular basis.  It really doesn’t matter what the system is providing you have one that works for you.

Some systems to consider:

  • Simple – Every time you receive a pay stub return your tithe and offerings and make note on the pay stub
  • Set it and Forget it – If your income is consistent, set up a Recurring Donation on the Adventist Giving App
  • Tickler – Set a reminder in your calendar to process your tithe and offerings at the end of each month
  • Spreadsheet – Use this spreadsheet to record your income every time you receive a pay stub and personalize the calculation settings so it calculates your tithe and offerings automatically for contribution each month (two side benefits are, 1. each time you receive a pay stub you will easily see what the differences are from the previous pay periods, and 2. at the end of the calendar year you have information to plan for tax purposes before you receive your T4)

If you have a different system that works for you we would like to share it, maybe others would find it useful.  Call or email (office@chsda.ca) the church office to share your system.